Hírek DE KK Nagyerdei Campus címkével

The upgrading of the Bartók Béla Street Child Psychiatry Building of the University of Debrecen’s Clinical Centre, where both the outpatient departments of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department and the Clinical Psychology Centre are located, has been completed recently. The ‘new’ building, modernized out of a HUF 900 million grant, was inaugurated on Monday.

In the new operating theatre at the Eye Clinic of the University of Debrecen’s Clinical Centre, state-of-the-art high-tech equipment is now used to perform retinal surgery in a safer way and in shorter time. The new operating theatre was inaugurated on Thursday.

The Clinical Centre of the University of Debrecen has won the title of European Model Project for a program aimed at improving the quality of patient care in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and gynecological diseases. The project representatives were also invited to a conference organized by Széchenyi Program Office, where the best trans-border Central European projects could be presented.

Regő Baráth Benjámin reported on the results of his research on human placental macrophages at the 12th Annual JHAC Research Symposium at the Johns Hopkins University All Children's Hospital in the United States. The sixth-year medical student was the youngest speaker at the congress.

The University of Debrecen has established a new organisational unit for the management of disaster medicine and the operation of mobile medical teams in disaster and war zones, as well as for the management of domestic charitable and support programmes. University leaders informed journalists about the planned tasks and objectives of the centre on Friday.

The issues discussed at the meeting held in the Rector's Office of the University of Debrecen on Tuesday included points of connection between the health care systems of the University of Debrecen and the University of Tibet, the possibilities of future cooperation and the organization of emergency and cardiovascular care. The Tibetan delegation was received by Zoltán Szabó, Vice Rector and President of the Clinical Centre and Okszána Kiszil, Director of Coordination and Strategy.

As many as 159 graduating students of the Faculty of Medicine took their Hippocratic Oath on Saturday at a ceremony held within our university's Inner Courtyard. At the ceremonial council meeting of the doctoral ceremony, 90 Hungarian and 69 foreign doctors received their diplomas.

At the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center, they developed a dietary supplement that is the only one in the world that supports pelvic floor exercise as effectively as possible, so it can help overcome incontinence without surgery or medication. The Debrecen innovation was presented at the International Urogynecology Congress in The Hague in June.

After several months of testing, the complex resuscitation device of one of the world's leading American defibrillator manufacturers, also supporting ambu balloon ventilation, which can be used to provide more efficient emergency care for critically ill patients, has finally arrived at the Emergency Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center. The manufacturing company has asked the Emergency Clinic to be a reference center for resuscitation in Eastern Europe. In addition to patient care, the device also supports teaching and research work.

Young obstetrician-gynecology specialists from the University of Debrecen have successfully participated in an international laparoscopic suturing contest. In the professional program called Winners Meeting, the team from Debrecen has finished second.

The University of Debrecen and GE HealthCare have concluded and signed a research and development agreement to support radiotherapy treatment. The Department of Oncoradiology is the first institution in Europe to test the GE HealthCare software that constitutes a system of highly complex radiation therapy procedures. As for now, the application is only used in a testing environment but, once it gets involved in patient care, it will be able to provide more effective oncoradiology treatments.

Oncoradiological patient care has been developed with a government grant of over two billion forints at the University of Debrecen. On Friday, the Oncoradiology Clinic's three new pieces of equipment and one of the world's most advanced radiation planning systems were officially inaugurated. At the event, Péter Takács, secretary of state for health, called the investment exemplary, which makes the clinic one of the leading Hungarian institutes, which is thus capable of a complete and high-quality cover of almost the entire spectrum of treatment.

The Hematology Department of the University of Debrecen has been conducting hematopoietic stem cell transplantation since 2003, primarily in cases of lymph node tumors, plasma cell diseases, and acute leukemia. So far, the intervention has been performed on about 1,200 patients. Experts reported on the results of the past two decades of bone marrow transplantation activity and future plans at a scientific meeting in the Hall of the University of Debrecen on April 13.

The Laboratory of Biomechanics of the University of Debrecen has purchased a cutting-edge holographic device that allows more accurate surgical interventions. Biologist Katalin Karikó, who patented synthetic mRNA vaccine technologies, has offered part of the amount she had received with the Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine to support the Laboratory.

On Wednesday, a delegation of the employees of the BMW Group was received by President Zoltán Szabó of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen, who informed them about the patient care activities available at the institution. The representatives of the German car manufacturing company visited, among other things, the Emergency and Gastroenterology Clinics as well as the Department of Trauma Surgery.

To mark the international day of premature babies, the Main Building of UD, the Clinical Centre, the Innovation Centre, the Stadium and the Water Tower were lit up in purple light on Thursday. The doctors and nurses who take care of premature babies also wore purple, the colour that symbolises hope and persistence. The goal of the initiative was to salute premature babies, their families, and healthcare professionals who take care of them.

Those who had offered their bodies for educational and research purposes were commemorated at the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of UD on Friday. Teachers and Students expressed their gratitude and respect together.

Together with the researchers of a partner company, the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Centre, UD, have developed a dietary supplement that may help women who live with incontinence. Combined with physical exercise, the product strengthens pelvic muscles. The dietary supplement was tested at the Clinic, the results were reported on Wednesday.

Hungary is the first country in Europe where a national skill lab network has been established. At the universities of Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged, and 16 county hospitals medical students can practice diagnostical, therapeutic and life-saving interventions using state-of-the-art equipment, in a real-life environment. Representatives of the institutions involved in the 13 billion HUF project discussed the experience obtained so far at UD on Thursday.

The European Society of Thoracic Surgeons gave the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Clinical Centre of UD the title of most reliable partner. The head of the Centre received the certificate a few days ago.

The first two orbital atherectomies in severe calcified coronary artery stenosis have been performed at the Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen. Using the procedure, the hard calcareous deposit formed in the coronary artery can be effectively removed, the narrowing can be successfully dilated and stented. In Hungary, the method is considered a novelty at this point.

For the first time in Hungary, robot-assisted nephrolithotomy (kidney stone removal) has been performed at the Urology Clinic of the University of Debrecen Clinical Center. In recent days, the university's specialists have performed six successful operations using the French-developed ILY robot-controlled ureterorenoscopy. Using robot-assisted technology, surgery can be performed precisely and safely even in more difficult and complicated cases.

The University of Debrecen has recently become a full member of the European Reference Network of Rare Liver Diseases (ERN RARE-LIVER). Mária Papp, Director of UD’s Gastroenterology Clinic, which provides care and treatment for patients with liver diseases, received the certificate of membership at the beginning of September from Ansgar W. Lohse, a representative of University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf and the coordinator of the ERN RARE-LIVER program. Membership in this consortium enables the Debrecen institution to use the most up-to-date international professional recommendations in the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from rare liver diseases.

The Issues discussed at the Congress of the Experimental Surgery Section of the Hungarian Surgical Society (HSS) include the most recent research findings, state-of-the-art educational theories and methods, and the newest technologies applied in clinical practice such as robotic surgery. Participants of the three-day event that started on Thursday and takes place at the Kölcsey Centre will also commemorate professor István Furka, former head of the Department of Operative Techniques and Surgical Research at UD, who died last year.

The researchers of the University of Debrecen have achieved world-famous results in the study of chromosome-forming chromatin. The research group managed to show that the protein NODULIN HOMEOBOX (NDX) regulates heterochromatin, which is depleted in genes and is functionally inactive. Their high-impact publication presenting the research appeared in Nature Communications, one of the most prestigious scientific journals.