The Noble Sacrifice of the Departed

Those who had offered their bodies for educational and research purposes were commemorated at the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of UD on Friday. Teachers and Students expressed their gratitude and respect together.

One of the most important subjects in medical education is anatomy, which is the science of the structure of the human body. In order to ensure the high-quality education of anatomy, dead bodies are needed. More than a hundred people offer their bodies for educational purposes to UD every year.

- The departed help those who are alive. For hundreds of years, medical students have been educated on the structure of the body through autopsy all around the world. There is no other way, even though it can be supported with images, models and IT applications. Medical students who study dead bodies get a real picture of the anatomy of the human body – explained Péter Szücs, head of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology.

Those who offered their bodies to medical science are commemorated at the Department every year. On Friday, staff of the Department, Hungarian and international medical and dental students together expressed their gratitude and respect.

-  We would not be able to treat and cure patients without the exact knowledge of the anatomy of the human body. But we can acquire this knowledge only through the study of the bodies of those who were generous enough to offer their bodies for scientific purposes in order to help the rest of us. Doctors would not be able to do their jobs properly without these unselfish offers – pointed out Péter Németh, second-year medical student.

On behalf of all teachers and students of the Department, participants took a bow at the relief of Előd Orbán at the end of the commemoration.

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