The Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen has called on the leaders of the city and the heads of the historical churches to work together and use the strength of this togetherness to help the people in need due to the Ukrainian - Russian conflict. On May 6, a large-scale relief concert will be held together with fundraising.
Hírek Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen címkével
Elias Arnér, a biochemist from the renowned Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, has visited the University of Debrecen to give a presentation on his area of research. Professor Arnér, who is also a member of Tudományos és Társadalmi Tanácsadó Testület (TTTT), an academic and social advisory body to support the work of the president of the Board of Trustees of Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, was the first “instructor” to register a grade in the symbolic grade book of TTTT following his talk.
The foundation Gróf Tisza István Debreceni Egyetemért Alapítvány [Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen] and the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen jointly sent a significant amount of medical and healthcare aid on Monday to Ternopil National Medical University and to Ternopil City Municipal Hospital no. 2. The aid package is meant to assist and facilitate the neurosurgical treatment services provided in these institutions.
Nobel Prize-winning American scientist and pharmacologist Louis Joseph Ignarro, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of the physiological effects of nitric oxide, as well as members of the Nobel Prize Committee, professors from renowned foreign universities, Hungarian academicians, university professors, the former rector of the University of Debrecen and a number of internationally renowned experts have accepted the invitation to become members of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board established for the further development of the University of Debrecen.
Katalin Karikó has offered the entire amount that she received along with the Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine for research programmes carried out at the University of Debrecen and for talent management. The Hungarian research biologist, who patented the synthetic mRNA-based vaccine technology, received the prize in December.
This year the Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine went to Katalin Karikó. The Hungarian Széchenyi laureate research biologist, who patented the synthetic mRNS-based vaccine technology, received the prize at a ceremony held at the University of Debrecen on Tuesday. She also gave a presentation to the audience.
The representatives of Daimler, one of the world’s biggest bus manufacturer companies, visited the UD. The manufacturer discussed the opportunities of cooperation with their partner, Inter Traction Electrics Ltd., subsidiary of ITK holding. They met with the leaders of the UD.
A sponsorship agreement of one hundred million forints was signed by the UD and ITK Ltd. Within the cooperation the company group offered two Mercedes-Benz self-propelled chassis and a Mercedes-Benz passenger car for the UD and Debrecen Vocational Training Centre.