Hírek Research címkével

The specialists of the University of Debrecen were seeking solutions to the animal health and feeding difficulties of the sheep industry in the more than three-year long international project that has just come to an end, attended by ten universities and research institutes from eight countries. The results of the EuroSheep program with Hungarian relevance were presented on Thursday.

Zoltán Mészár, lecturer of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine won first prize as a member of an international team in the NeurotechEU Hackathon competition in Stockholm. Their task was to find innovative solutions to a problem of young people suffering from mental illnesses.

The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen (DEENK) also supports the reform of research evaluation in the transformation of open science, i.e. the system and value system of research. To this end, it was said at the seventh Open Science Forum that DEENK supports the dialogue within the institution and plays a change management role.

The fifth Rectors meeting of the European university consortium NeurotechEU, established to enhance cooperation in the field of neuroscience in a broader sense, was held in the Swedish capital. At the NeurotechEU Hackathon competition, introduced as a supplementary event, an international team, which included a researcher from the University of Debrecen, won first prize with their proposed solution to treat mental illnesses in young people.

A student of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen achieved an outstanding result in the Polish capital at the international congress of medical students conducting research. Mihály Székely, who is a member of a research group in Debrecen working on the fight against tumors, won in his own section.

Researchers presented the latest scientific results of the Horizon 2020-InnoVar project to support the efficiency of European plant cultivation and variety certification, at the Department of the Nyíregyháza Research Institute of the University of Debrecen's Agricultural Research Institutes and Teaching Institutions. In the program launched in 2019, the University of Debrecen cooperates with 21 consortium partners to develop innovative test methods that help growers to select varieties.

A PhD student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen was elected member of the scientific advisory board of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The focus of Ayaz Mukarram Shaikh's research is the development of innovative, functional and sustainable food products.

In the coming months Gyula Tircsó, head of department of the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of the University of Debrecen, will report on his research at renowned German universities as part of the György Hevesy lecture series. An invitation from renowned foreign researchers is considered a prestigious professional recognition.

Ágnes Bene, assistant professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen, discussed the latest tasks and challenges of gerontology in Brussels at the meeting of the working committee of AGE Platform Europe, the European Commission's consultative body.

In recognition of her revolutionary achievements in the treatment of neonatal diabetes, Professor Dame Frances Mary Ashcroft of the Institutes of Physiology at the University of Oxford was awarded the "Debrecen Prize for Molecular Medicine" in 2020. Due to the Covid pandemic, the British professor conducting research into the physiology of ion channels was only able to accept the award of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen this year from László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs and László Mátyus, dean of UD.

At the event named Asperfest19, which was connected to ECFG16 (European Conference on Fungal Genetics), Head of Department István Pócsi, upon a request from the scientific community studying Aspergillus fungi, gave a life's work presentation. In this presentation, Professor Pócsi reported on the results of fungal stress biology research carried out at our university, addressing an audience of professionals in Austria at the beginning of March.

According to a group of researchers from the University of Cluj-Napoca, tracking the movements of human eyes may turn out to be a useful diagnostic method for treating a number of diseases of nervous origin in the future. The experts gave an account of the progress of their research project by delivering a presentation at the series of events Brain Research Week hosted by their colleagues of the University of Debrecen.

The University of Debrecen (UD) is intent on putting the study of biodiversity, climate change, sustainable development and water management on a new footing. As it was announced at a press conference on the subject, the unit called Biodiversity, Water Management and Climate Change Coordination Research Centre, which was established last year, would play a key strategic part in this process.

The foundation stone of the building of National Manufacturing-Research-Education Plant and Faculty of Pharmacy has been laid. The most recent facility of the University of Debrecen is located in the industrial park of our institution on the street called Vezér utca. State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education Balázs Hankó, who attended in the event, praised the activities of the University of Debrecen linking education and research and development as a model to follow.

For the first time in the world, researchers at the Center for Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology of the University of Debrecen use DNA chip technology in the genetic testing of domestic pigeons. The new analytical method helps the genetic uptake of the species significantly. The findings of the research project were recently published in the periodical Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences.

The delegation of the Faculty of Engineering and the NeurotechEU Social Robotics research group discussed research cooperation and joint projects with Japanese partners. The six delegates visited five Japanese universities and a research institution.

In the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, researchers of the Centre for Agricultural Genomics and Biotechnology have studied the molecular background of plants’ memory. The findings have been published in Trends in Plant Science, the most prestigious journal in the field.

The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen offers up-to-date knowledge, practice-oriented education and a new master’s course to students, who can study in Debrecen, Nyíregyháza and Szolnok.

The findings of the researchers of UD may help develop new therapies for asthma. The project, which was launched several years ago, focused on the study of macrophage polarisation. The findings have been published in Immunity, one of the most prestigious journals in the field of immunology.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen has awarded molecular biologist Alexander Varshavsky the Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine this year. Professor Varshavsky, who lives and works in the United States, owes his international fame chiefly to the discovery of protein degradation processes realized through the so-called ubiquitin system. This year’s awardee received the recognition on Tuesday at a ceremony held in the Aula [University Hall] venue of the Main Building, where he also delivered a lecture on his scientific achievements.

As a recognized member of Microsoft’s Learn for Educators Program, the Faculty of Informatics (FI) of the University of Debrecen also participated in the professional summit held in Warsaw, Poland, and hosted by the global US-based company, where FI presented its scientific and educational achievements with the support of Microsoft as one of the outstanding partners of this international corporation.

The University of Debrecen and the South Dakota State University have concluded an agreement for the purposes of the expansion of educational and research relations and the promotion of international cooperation. The partnership agreement was signed at Brookings by Endre Harsányi, the vice chancellor responsible for the development of agricultural and food science.

The software is already being installed on the 5 petaflops supercomputer called Komondor at the Supercomputer Center on the Kassai út Campus of the University of Debrecen. The new machine of the Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ) will increase the current HPC capacity available domestically tenfold.

It was for the second time already that the Faculty of Education for Children and Special Educational Needs of the University of Debrecen organized an international conference titled Challenge and/or Opportunity: The Integration of Roma People in Europe in order to analyze the social situation of Gypsy communities. The scholarly-scientific meeting featured presentations in as many as ten different sections.