Hírek Research címkével

The current trends and most recent research findings were presented at the international biotechnology symposium held at the DAB Building in Debrecen. One of the key topics was mycotoxin research.

Two researchers from UD have been involved in an international initiative (COST), which aims to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from osteoarthritis by coordinating European research programmes and speeding up the implementation of technological developments and research results into clinical practice. Researchers from 23 countries participate in the four-year-long programme.

Researchers of UD have developed a technology that allows the manufacturing of a new dietary supplement by extracting antocianin from sour cherry. The consortium comprised of the university and Sorapharm Ltd. received an EU grant of over HUF 1.5 billion for the project. The dietary supplement developed in the framework of the project has been registered by the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition. The results of the project were reported at UD on Thursday.

During his visit to Debrecen, David Pressman, the new US ambassador to Hungary was informed about the space research programme of the University of Debrecen. Ambassador Pressman was welcomed by László Csernoch, vice rector for scientific affairs.

The University of Debrecen and Sunway University, one of the best private universities in South-East Asia, signed a partnership agreement on Friday. The event was also attended by the ambassador of Malaysia to Hungary. The agreement will strengthen the international presence of UD and facilitate student and teacher mobility.

Researchers at the University of Debrecen were the first to describe how mechanical stimuli have an effect of enhancing cartilage formation by synchronizing the biological clock of the developing chondrogenic cells. Their findings may contribute to the development of new and more efficient treatments of arthritis and arthrosis, through which better quality cartilage replacement can be achieved. The study that summarizes the relevant research process was recently published in one of the most prestigious international scientific journals.

The development possibilities of public services related to health and well-being were discussed at the joint professional-scholarly-scientific conference of the University of Debrecen and the European Economic and Social Committee. The experts of the European Union’s advisory organization have set themselves the goal of developing recommendations in support of the EU’s professional policy by using the experiences gained concerning the pandemic with the involvement of civil society and non-governmental organizations.

This is the time when the University of Debrecen can become one of the leading higher education institutions in the CEE region in the fields of science, education and innovation – pointed out Louis J. Ignarro, Nobel-laurate pharmacologist at the founding event of the Scientific and Social Advisory Body in the Hall of UD.

Two Mongolian biologists are conducting evolutionary genetic research at the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of the University of Debrecen through a mobility grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. As part of the joint Hungarian-Mongolian research, specialists from Debrecen have also visited Mongolia on a study trip, studying kestrels and peregrine falcons, and have given bioinformatics training to their colleagues in Ulaanbaatar.

The researchers of the University of Debrecen have achieved world-famous results in the study of chromosome-forming chromatin. The research group managed to show that the protein NODULIN HOMEOBOX (NDX) regulates heterochromatin, which is depleted in genes and is functionally inactive. Their high-impact publication presenting the research appeared in Nature Communications, one of the most prestigious scientific journals.

The first piece of equipment prepared by the University of Debrecen to be used in space has been completed, and it is scheduled to go into outer space at the beginning of next year. This unique instrument will measure radiation that affects technical equipment in the cosmic environment. The innovation created by DE SPACE’s Radiation Physics Research Group was presented at a workshop held in the Borsay Castle of our Mád Campus.

On the ESA Day held at ATOMKI on Thursday, European Space Agency (ESA) staff members could take a look at the relevant instrument park of the University of Debrecen and the Nuclear Research Institute of Eötvös Loránd Kutatási Hálózat [Eötvös Loránd Research Network] as well as learn about the investigations related to space research conducted here. Hungary’s Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research Ms. Orsolya Ferencz also participated in the event.

A conference on the chemistry and biology of carbohydrates has been hosted at the University of Debrecen. About 100 professionals from as many as 15 European countries and the USA, as well as from Hungary, were expected to participate in the three-day English-language conference that was launched on Wednesday in the Learning Center.

Investigations by Plant Cell and Developmental Biology Research Group at the University of Debrecen can also help breed plants that are resistant to drought and severe weather. The latest research findings are also presented in a textbook edited by the Head of the Research Group, Csaba Máthé. A doctoral student from the research group, Csongor Freytag, has won a major professional award for his article in which he presented the results of the investigation.

An article has been published first in a prestigious British scientific journal about the computer software developed at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen, which can efficiently facilitate certain evolutionary genomics research efforts.

The new building of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD will serve as a facility for low-volume manufacturing of medicinal products, medical food and dietary supplements, in addition to education and research. Designed by the Pyxis Nautica Architect Studio, the National Manufacturing, Research and Educational Facility will be constructed in 2023.

Researchers of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD are involved in a space technology project in the framework of the "EU HORIZON" grant. The engineers participating in the project develop and manufacture polymer aerogels for heat insulation. The project will be launched in November with a total budget of EUR 3 million. The Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry has conducted research into aerogels for 17 years.

János Roszik, researcher of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre of the University of Texas will join the Lendület Genome Structure and Recombination research group of the University of Debrecen. In the framework of the Fulbright programme, János Roszik will spend three months working with the UD research group in a project that aims to study the relationship between R-loop structures and mutations that occur in tumours.

Researchers from the University of Debrecen and the Claude Bernard University (Lyon, France) have worked together for nearly ten years to develop a medication from an agent used to treat certain aggressive types of brain tumour.

Three famous Hungarian professors of mathematics will be welcomed this week at a five-day mathematics conference at the University of Debrecen. The 120 mathematicians from almost all parts of the world gathered in honor of Kálmán Győry of Debrecen, among others.

A joint research of the Institute of Botany of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management and the Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine was launched in 2021 with the purpose of finding new ways to increase the yield and quality of corn. Experts involved in the project have recently reported on the results achieved so far at a workshop.

The Section of Chemical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences named a study prepared by Környezeti Kolloidok Kutatócsoport [Environmental Colloids Research Group] of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen “Publication of the month” in May 2022. The study, including the research findings on the interaction of carbon aerogels with water, was published in the prestigious international academic journal Carbon.

Professor Péter Nagy, Chairman of the Scientific and Social Advisory Board of the President of the Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen, has recently delivered a lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on research efforts that have the potential to influence the basics of oncology by sorting out the role of cysteine amino acid components. The focus of the research project is the hydrogen sulfide gas molecule responsible for the bad smell of rotten eggs, of which only toxic effects had been noted by scientists for a long time.

A new solution jointly developed by the University of Debrecen, Delta Services and Sightspot Network will make the diagnosis of cervical cancer faster and more reliable, allowing doctors to start treatment at an early stage. The new solution is an image-based diagnostic system, which is able to identify cancer cells based on deep learning technology.

This year the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of UD will host the online conference of the Commission for Eastern and Central European and Dutch Inter-University Cooperation (COMENIUS). Eleven countries will be represented at the event that will take place on 26-27 May.