Hírek Faculty of Pharmacy címkével

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates agreed on upgrading the support system of young researchers at the University of Debrecen. At the event the infrastructural development projects completed in the last 5 years to the value of HUF 8 billion were presented, and deputy state secretary Balázs Hankó talked about further opportunities.

This was the third, and final closing ceremony held by the University of Debrecen in the Nagyerdei Stadium. Saturday saw the farewells of graduates of the Faculty of Health, Dentistry, Child Education and Special Education, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Engineering and Public Health.

Six faculties of UD have requested the prolongation of the current academic year. This opportunity was opted for mostly in the programs of medicine and health sciences and technology and natural sciences. The examination period are planned almost everywhere to be conducted in-person.

Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmacy are working on creating antiviral compounds. The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry participates in developing medicines that can be used against the corona virus under the auspices of the National Virology Laboratory.

The University of Debrecen concluded an agreement with the Uzbek government on the introduction of educational programmes in pharmacy in Uzbekistan, as well as on the promotion of joint educational, research, development, and programmes.

Graduates from the US received their diplomas in the rather unusual venue of Nagyerdei Stadion on the first two Saturdays of July. At the second installment of the extraordinary graduation ceremony, graduates from as many as nine faculties could toss their graduation caps into the air.

“Egészségügyi Innovációs Szemle” (Innovation in Healthcare) – this is the title of a new magazine launched jointly by the faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Pharmacy of UD. The quarterly journal will focus on the newest achievements in the fields of medicine and health science.

UD has improved its position on the thematic lists of Times Higher Education. In the area of natural sciences the institution moved up on the list compared to the previous year, and it is ranked in the top 800. UD is ranked again in the top 600 this year in the areas of life and medical sciences.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.