Hírek Faculty of Engineering címkével

Apart from the Hungarian students, a number of international students of Faculty of Engineering at the UD (DE MK) also participated in the competition Engineering Science Section of National Scientific Student Circle Conference (OTDK).

22 teams from UD’s Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science and Technology are going to participate in the online competition announced by the global atomic energy corporation Rosatom. Representatives of the most prestigious Russian technical universities will also contribute to the event.

A number of significant investments and developments financed through support from the Hungarian state are to be launched in 2021 at Faculty of Engineering of the UD. These improvements include an entire new wing of a building to be constructed.

21,000 applicants have chosen the University of Debrecen as a host institute in the 2021/22 Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, accounting for 42% of all applications. The most popular courses are the public health and the technical programmes of UD.

Graduates from the US received their diplomas in the rather unusual venue of Nagyerdei Stadion on the first two Saturdays of July. At the second installment of the extraordinary graduation ceremony, graduates from as many as nine faculties could toss their graduation caps into the air.

The new leader of the Faculty of Engineering is planning to profit from the experience gained through the distance-learning mode, to launch new majors, to expand industrial relations and to complete the construction of a new wing to the faculty building.Géza Husi will be the new dean for three year.

More toxic metals accumulate in spawns than in developed fish – according to researchers of the UD. For their scientific publication, the group received the Sándor Vitális Award of Excellence established by the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the General Directorate of Water Management.

From now on, the students of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Debrecen can learn about Lean production, logistics and supply chains in a special laboratory. This new unit has been designed in cooperation with Kaizen Institute Hungary Kft. and Tech-Con Hungária Kft.

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen offers applicants regularly updated educational programmes, 8 bachelor and 8 master courses, and several advanced vocational programmes.

This weekened the winter graduation ceremonies of the University of Debrecen started with the ceremony of the graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine. During the graduation ceremonies nearly 1700 graduates of 9 faculties receive their degrees.

Casey Ott, head of the company plant at Veresegyháza gave a presentation on the rapid development of the aviation industry, the most advanced engines and career opportunities in GE Aviation.

According to Times Higher Education’s most recent ranking by subject, the UD places among the best Hungarian institutions of higher education. Along with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the UD places in the 601-800 category on the Engineering & Technology list.

Two students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen can participate in the final of the CARPE Challenge in Valencia in October after they have won the universities’ round on September 4 with their idea in the field of transport development.

Preparations for the expansion of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen, the renovation of the Chemistry Building and the construction of the new vehicle laboratory are all included in the Hungarian government’s 13 billion forints’ worth of education package.

The Hungarian Government supports the development of the technical education of the University of Debrecen with close to 20 billion forints. According to plans, vehicle engineering training can start by September 2020, with aviation engineering as a major included.

The June 14 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of General Medicine opens the series of summer graduation ceremonies ending on July 6th, where close to 3500 graduates receive their degrees proving completion of training.