Hírek International relations címkével

A delegation from Fujian Province on the southeastern coast of China came to our city recently to learn about the history of our institution, its program offers and research activities that harmonize with the requirements of industrial enterprises and the admission opportunities for students from abroad to the University of Debrecen. The members of the delegation visited the university together with the leaders of Self-Government of Hajdú-Bihar County (Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei Önkormányzat).

The fifth Rectors meeting of the European university consortium NeurotechEU, established to enhance cooperation in the field of neuroscience in a broader sense, was held in the Swedish capital. At the NeurotechEU Hackathon competition, introduced as a supplementary event, an international team, which included a researcher from the University of Debrecen, won first prize with their proposed solution to treat mental illnesses in young people.

During their five-day visit to the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen, the pharmaceutical students of the University of Oradea ((Nagyvárad) were involved in, among other things, the formulation of nanoparticles and the preparation of biocosmetics. There is an ever closer cooperation between the two institutions.

In addition to meeting South African students enrolled at the University of Debrecen, the high-ranking members of a delegation from the Republic of South Africa have learned about the program offer of our institution and the scholarship opportunities available through Stipendium Hungaricum.

As members of the second graduating class at our Faculty of Humanities, fifteen Chinese students, who started their studies in Hungarian at the University of Debrecen three years ago as participants in an international educational cooperation, are pretty close to the point of receiving their Hungarian BA diplomas.

Visiting our institution upon the invitation issued by IEAS (Institute of English and American Studies) His Excellency Ronan Gargan, the Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary, delivered a presentation entitled “Ireland and the European Union 1973-2023” at the University of Debrecen on Wednesday.

Eight leading higher education institutions of Uzbekistan are seeking opportunities for cooperation with the University of Debrecen in the fields of pharmaceutics, agricultural and economic sciences. The delegation of the eight universities’ leaders has visited several relevant faculties.

The Finnish ambassador to Hungary and the deputy Israeli ambassador arrived at the University of Debrecen on Wednesday for an introductory and familiarization visit. Vice Rector for Education Elek Bartha received the Finnish diplomat in the morning and the Israeli diplomat in the afternoon in the rector's council room of the Main Building.

Last Thursday, the Confucius Institute of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen celebrated Chinese Language Day by arranging a poem recitation competition titled Petőfi 200 and the opening of an exhibition called The Power of Poetry: Lu Xun and Petőfi.

On Thursday, Professor Izaak Hendrik Wenno, dean of the Indonesian Faculty of Teacher Education, Pattimura University, gave an online presentation with the title Archipelago Education, organized by the National Association of Doctoral Students (DOSZ).

His Excellency Mr. Ali Hadi Hameed Al-Bayati, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Iraq to Hungary, has discussed issues including the increasing the number of Iraqi students enrolled at the University of Debrecen and the opportunities for cooperation in research and development with Rector Zoltán Szilvássy. During his official visit, Ali Hadi Hameed Al-Bayati also met Iraqi students at our university.

Continuing the already existing joint training programs, introducing student and teacher exchanges, offering double degree programs and initiating curriculum development are just a sample of the issues discussed at the meeting last Friday when a delegation from Beijing University of International Studies (BISU) was received by the representatives of the Rector’s Office of the University of Debrecen and the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Humanities.

The delegation of the Faculty of Engineering and the NeurotechEU Social Robotics research group discussed research cooperation and joint projects with Japanese partners. The six delegates visited five Japanese universities and a research institution.

During her two-day trip to Debrecen, Caroline Charette, Canada's ambassador to Hungary, also visited the University of Debrecen. First she had talks with the university management, followed by a lecture to the students of the Institute of English and American Studies of Faculty of Humanities. She also found the time to familiarize herself with the work the Canadian Studies Research Center.

Chen Kun, education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary visited the Confucius Institute of UD on Tuesday. At the event, the Hungarian director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Miskolc gave a presentation to students about industrial developments in China.

Delegates of Turku University of Applied Sciences, which is a member of the CARPE consortium, have visited the University of Debrecen. On Monday and Tuesday they learned about UD’s degree programmes and discussed potential future research cooperation. The topics of the meetings also included the international mobility of students and researchers.

Our international academic relations and projects of cooperation were both promoted and strengthened by the interdisciplinary conference titled Kazakh-Hungarian cultural narratives, social and economic diversity. The conference was hosted jointly on Friday by the Department of Ethnography of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen and the ambassadorial system of National Association of Doctoral Students.

Giacomo Maria Oliva, Deputy Director of the museum Museo di Reggio Calabria in Italy, gave a talk in Italian on Wednesday at the University of Debrecen titled Bronzi di Riace. The topic he covered was the (hi)story of the ancient Greek bronze statues that had been discovered in the sea near the Calabrian city of Riace in 1972.

The University of Debrecen and the South Dakota State University have concluded an agreement for the purposes of the expansion of educational and research relations and the promotion of international cooperation. The partnership agreement was signed at Brookings by Endre Harsányi, the vice chancellor responsible for the development of agricultural and food science.

The University of Debrecen and Sunway University, one of the best private universities in South-East Asia, signed a partnership agreement on Friday. The event was also attended by the ambassador of Malaysia to Hungary. The agreement will strengthen the international presence of UD and facilitate student and teacher mobility.

Former Consul General of Hungary in Shanghai Levente Horváth gave a presentation titled “Chinese Geopolitical Notions” combined with a book launch on Thursday as part of the Confucius Institute’s Lectures on Chinese Culture course offered at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen (UD).

Abdukodir Toshkulov, the Minister in charge of higher education of Uzbekistan and Szilvássy Zoltán, rector performed negotiations on Saturday about the educational, research and innovation cooperation with the University of Debrecen. The Minister asked the University to take part in the work of the emerging Uzbek scientific and technological cluster.

The development possibilities of public services related to health and well-being were discussed at the joint professional-scholarly-scientific conference of the University of Debrecen and the European Economic and Social Committee. The experts of the European Union’s advisory organization have set themselves the goal of developing recommendations in support of the EU’s professional policy by using the experiences gained concerning the pandemic with the involvement of civil society and non-governmental organizations.

Two Mongolian biologists are conducting evolutionary genetic research at the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of the University of Debrecen through a mobility grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. As part of the joint Hungarian-Mongolian research, specialists from Debrecen have also visited Mongolia on a study trip, studying kestrels and peregrine falcons, and have given bioinformatics training to their colleagues in Ulaanbaatar.

The University of Debrecen celebrated the beginning of the new academic year with a full-house event at the Nagyerdei Stadium on Wednesday. In addition to Hungarian stars, artists of the Institute of Pop Music and international students of the oDEon company also gave concerts. About 20,000 people attended the 6th year-opening stadium show of UD.