As a participant in a 26-member European consortium, the University of Debrecen has become one of the winners of the HORIZON-INFRA-2021 tender. The NMR Instrument Center of the Institute of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology is to join an international network formed to solve problems related to material structure, chemistry and biology.
Hírek Natural science címkével
Members of an official delegation from Kazakhstan, representing the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), have visited the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen in order to learn about research conducted here in the fields of biology, botany, genomics and microbiology.
The University of Debrecen has been ranked 25th in the Eastern European thematic rankings of the SCImago Institutions Rankings. In the field of energy, UD has outperformed prestigious institutions such as the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), the Jagiellonian University (Poland), and Charles University (Czech Republic).
Students of the UD, who took part in the nuclear energy competition, known as Hackatom organised by Rosatom Central-Europe, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. along with Paks II. Ltd, this spring, had the chance to get acquainted with Unit 4 of Paks Nuclear Power Plant on the spot.
Migration is a risky business, and a recent study lead by scientists at University of Debrecen (Hungary) suggests that migration will be even riskier in future. The article published in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, a leading international outlet in biodiversity and conservation.
Using a recent innovation discovered by chemists at the University of Debrecen, it is possible to remove toxic aqueous mercury pollution from the environment without endangering wildlife or other living organisms. The publication on special aerogels appeared in Chemosphere.
In the area of Hortobágy, artificial intelligence is used for saving the endangered Asian wild horses. Researchers from the UD apply drones to examine the way of life of Przewalski’s horses living on the premises of Hortobágy National Park. The data received then processed with Microsoft’s Azure.
The Eleventh International Conference on Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT) was organized by the Department of Solid State Physics of the University of Debrecen. The most important conference on diffusion physics was organized again in Hungary after more than thirty years.
An associate professor of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen has won the Environmental Science Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In her research, Edina Baranyai examined the potential of using old honeys as environmental reconstruction.
Jácint Tökölyi, Associate Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, will get a chance to continue his research on the effects of changing the body size of freshwater cnidarians, conducted in and supported by the framework of MTA Lendület Program.
Teams from the University of Debrecen took the first six prizes at the joint Russian-Hungarian online competition hosted by Rosatom Central Europe, Paks Nuclear Power Plant of MVM Group and Paks II. Zrt. The awards ceremony of Hackatom was held on Friday in the Aula venue of the UD.
22 teams from UD’s Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science and Technology are going to participate in the online competition announced by the global atomic energy corporation Rosatom. Representatives of the most prestigious Russian technical universities will also contribute to the event.
The University of Debrecen continues to be among the top 450 universities according to the thematic list ranking life sciences and general medicine most recently issued by the prestigious London-based organization QS (Quacquarelli Symonds).
The UD has been ranked second among Hungarian universities and has been included among the 300 best European universities, according to the most recent ranking of U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities.The UD’s best results were achieved in the fields of physics, biology and biochemistry.
Zoltán Barta, university teacher of the Faculty of Technology and Science at UD has become member of the Academia Europaea (AE). With the renowned behavioural ecologist, UD now has eight members in the organisation.
The Department of Botany at UD has digitalised its four botanical collections, and integrated data into a special database that can be used in distance learning as well. The structure, the morphological section and microscopic photos of various plants are all available in the virtual collection.
With the involvement of physicists working at the UD, researchers have proved several assumptions of Plato, the ancient philosopher. Ferenc Kun and his associates have proved that any fracture or cracking creates cube-shaped objects. The results of their research have been published in PNAS.
The Federation of European Chemical Societies has granted the title “Chemistry Europe Fellow” to Ferenc Joó, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD. He received the award from the president of the Hungarian Chemical Society on Friday.
Support-free mesoporous gold nanoparticles have been synthesized through a unique process developed by the researchers of the University of Debrecen. A report on this particular research project was published on the front cover of Nanomaterials, the prestigious journal of material science.
The University of Debrecen has moved up more than 200 positions in the RUR 2020 Natural Sciences ranking list. As the best Hungarian university, UD is now among the first 300 higher education institutions. The organisation evaluates 711 universities around the world every year.
The OpenBioMaps system of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD has won super computer capacity from the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The biological database system will be used by natural reserves and science institutes in Hungary to study the spread of species.
More toxic metals accumulate in spawns than in developed fish – according to researchers of the UD. For their scientific publication, the group received the Sándor Vitális Award of Excellence established by the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the General Directorate of Water Management.
Researchers of Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics at the UD have conducted studies of hydro-morphodynamics, measuring the spatial and temporal river channel changes in the Sajó River, with the help of innovative measuring devices and in collaboration with German researchers.
A researcher from the UD has participated in the work of the international research group that established that the opening of forest canopies exerts an effect of heat stress on the flora in the forest underbrush. The findings of the research project were published by prestigious Science magazine.
Richter Gedeon Plc. donated biotechnological instruments to the amount of 38 million HUF to the Faculty of Science and Technology of UD for educational and research purposes. The high-tech devices will be used in the laboratories of the Institute of Biotechnology.