Hírek Education címkével

In his presentation at the University of Debrecen, a lecturer of the Obninsk Nuclear Power Institute talked about the technological and technical aspects of designing nuclear power plants.

Under the motto "The ideal second language in Debrecen", participants can hear about university German programmes, language exams and foreign scholarships on Thursday, the Day of the German Language.

The Communication University of China (CUC, Beijing) and the University of Debrecen have signed a cooperation agreement. It will facilitate student and researcher exchange programmes in the field of media science.

The series of events celebrating the centenary of the education of medical doctors at UD began with a gala evening. Over the last one hundred years, 14,000 students obtained medical doctor degree at University Debrecen. At the event five major professors of the medical faculty was awarded.

Over 50 teachers of the University of Debrecen participated in the teaching methodology training of a special partner of Times Higher Education, one of the most prestigious organisations that provide international ranking lists in higher education. The teachers received their diplomas on Friday.

This summer, a large number of students who applied for scholarships have received a grant to attend the course at the Summer University in Debrecen. Almost a hundred students seized the opportunity.

This year, 183 students from as many as 37 different countries have come to Debrecen to learn Hungarian as a foreign language and to familiarize themselves with the culture and history of our country. The 91st academic year of Debrecen Summer School was officially opened with a ceremony.

The Institute of German Studies of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Debrecen is holding a training course on methodology for teachers of German in cooperation with Goethe Institute. It is, in fact, the first time that the University of Debrecen is hosting this summer training program.

Hungarian and international experts discussed the novel approach to the teaching of anatomy, innovative digital techniques, as well as the most recent results of neuroscience, clinical anatomy, cell and developmental biology at the University of Debrecen.

The Universiy of Debrecen has further strengthened its position in the Quacquarelli Symonds world university rankings 2019, standing at the second position among Hungarian universities, overtaking even ELTE. The list was published late Wednesday night.

Adapting to the needs of the industry, the MSc training of the University of Debrecen in hydrobiology is available in dual form as of this year. The English language training that was launched last year is also popular.

Medical students at the University of Debrecen are learning about jet-lag, travel-induced stress, holiday traumas and preparation of patients with chronic diseases on a travel medicine course considered to be unique in Europe.

To support industrial development, the University of Debrecen has established the Institute of Engineering and Business Development Innovation, announced Zoltán Bács, Chancellor of the University of Debrecen, at the GE Suppliers’ Forum last Friday.

Launching an undergraduate program in digital dentistry is planned by the 15 years old Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Debrecen, which would be unique in the whole of Europe. This information was released at the press conference of 19th Debrecen Days of Dentistry on Wednesday.

Lego robots matched their skills on Wednesday in Debreceni Egyetem gyakorlóiskolája [Grade School of the University of Debrecen]. The programmable robots had been constructed by kids in their extracurricular robotics classes.

The University of Debrecen ranks third among Hungarian universities and 658th among the 2500 best universities of the world in the recent university ranking made by URAP (University Ranking by Academic Performance).

Should “shooting” be introduced as a subject in Hungarian schools? Should mobile phones be banned from classrooms? – secondary school students of the region were debating about these current issues in German at the Kossuth Lajos Training School of the University of Debrecen.

Times Higher Education, which released its latest thematic rankings on November 8th, ranked the medical program offered at the University of Debrecen among the best programs available in the world. The programs in medicine and health sciences are ranked in the top 401-500 category.

The Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of the UD has received Prize for the International Development of Higher Education – Excellent Practice for its application demonstrating the practical uses of an online surface developed for upgrading the quality of anatomy instruction.

A new, much needed English-language master’s programme, as well as training for nurses from Hungarian communities outside of Hungary will be offered by the Faculty of Health from the 2017/2018 academic year.

The University of Debrecen has become a full member of the Visegrad University Association (VUA). At the general meeting of the organisation, held in Moscow, it was also decided that the annual event will be held in Debrecen next year.

Twenty participants, including language teachers, translators, interpreters, and literary translators have come to the University of Debrecen to exchange views on their special fields of expertise. The objective of the two-day Magyar-Lengyel Nyelvi Fórum [Hungarian-Polish Language Forum] is to help

Zoltán Szilvássy was officially appointed rector anew by President of the Republic János Áder at an event held in Budapest’s Sándor-palota. The present and future rector of the University of Debrecen is going to continue to be the head of our institution for a period of five more years.

The University of Debrecen is the leading Hungarian institution of higher education in the category of the proportion of international students. Our institution has managed to retain its former favorable position in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) world rankings, released for 2018.

A Russian Center has been established recently at the University of Debrecen. The aim of the new institution, set up through the sponsorship and contributions of the foundation Russkiy Mir [Russian World], is to popularize Russian culture and support the teaching of the Russian language.