Hírek Research címkével

Researchers of the University of Debrecen have published an article on their research findings in Journal of Ecology. The focus of their investigation had been the ways migratory water birds can be instrumental in dispersing grains of the plants they consume.

3D-printed titanium bone grafts of unique design are to be developed at the University of Debrecen. These innovative implants are not fixed to the bones with the help of screws any more, as they can completely combine and grow together with the human bones.

Westsik’s crop rotation, developed at the Nyíregyháza Research Institute of the University of Debrecen in 1929, offers a solution to improve sandy soils. At a conference held to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the institute, researchers from 7 countries discussed the long-term field experiment.

The University of Debrecen has become a full member of the Visegrad University Association (VUA). At the general meeting of the organisation, held in Moscow, it was also decided that the annual event will be held in Debrecen next year.

Locality and globality in the world of names is the central theme of the 26th International Congress on Onomastics, which began on Monday. This event is hosted in Hungary for the first time by the University of Debrecen.

The most recent achievements in the academic fields of probability theory and theoretical and applied statistics are to be discussed by researchers of these disciplines at an international conference hosted by Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen.

The University of Debrecen has signed a memorandum of understanding concerning an intent of cooperation with the Rosatom International Network, announces rosatominternational.com. In the future, the university may act as a partner institution of the network in the fields of training and research.

The discovery of researchers at the University of Debrecen, published in several prestigious scientific journals, may potentially help patients with diabetes. The scientists found new materials that improve beta-cell function, thus opening up new prospects in treating diabetes.

„Europe and Hungary in the age of Saint Ladislaus” is the title of the two-day conference organised by the University of Debrecen. The institute joins the year-long program series with a professional discussion.

A Russian Center has been established recently at the University of Debrecen. The aim of the new institution, set up through the sponsorship and contributions of the foundation Russkiy Mir [Russian World], is to popularize Russian culture and support the teaching of the Russian language.

The biotechnology program currently running at the University of Debrecen will generate genetically top-quality sheep. There will be animals of state-of-the-art genetic composition bred here, a result that simply would not be possible through the natural breeding process of domestic stock.

Researchers from the University of Debrecen participate in the international project preparing a volume on the status of the Roma minority in Europe.

Yossi Amrani wishes to contribute to better cooperation between the University of Debrecen and research institutes and higher education institutions in Israel. The ambassador would also like to involve into the joint programmes the Israeli students studying in Debrecen.

A visiting professor from India has arrived in Debrecen recently to be the new head of the Department of Ayurveda.

The traditions of Scandinavian, South Slavic, and Hungarian handball goalkeeper cultures came together at a unique conference hosted by the University of Debrecen, held last Thursday in Sport Science Educational Center.

Identifying shared research areas at the international exchange of experiences, as well as the international mobility of students and faculty members were also topics at the meeting of the CARPE Steering Committee, recently held at the University of Debrecen.

Before the dedication of the statue erected to commemorate the statesman instrumental in the foundation of the university and after whom it was originally named, a symposium titled “István Tisza and the University of Debrecen” was held in the Aula.

Scientists from Iran and Hungary may jointly research the way to modernise traditional Asian medicine. This was one of the topics on which leaders of the University of Debrecen and Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran negotiated last Friday.

The Head of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Debrecen has been ranked third among peer reviewers in Hungary.

The Researchers' Night programs at the University of Debrecen had already started in the early afternoon with volleys of drones and a wind tunnel demonstration. It was the tenth time the institution had hosted the event, which is designed to spread scientific knowledge and popularise science.

Members of the four thousand strong international student body at the University of Debrecen are also expected to participate, both as performers and as attendees, in the spectacular stadium show to mark the opening of the new academic year.

The Institute of English and American Studies, joined by the Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission, is celebrating the silver jubilee of its foundation this month at the University of Debrecen.