Hírek Charity címkével

The International Student Union (ISU), an organization of foreign students of the University of Debrecen, donated more than one million HUF from the proceeds of this year's Food Day to the Foundation for Children with Leukemia. The money will be used to build a special sterile room in the paediatric haematology-oncology department.

More than 36 million HUF was raised during the charity fundraising event linked to the Concert for Peace organized by the board of trustees of the István Tisza University of Debrecen Foundation, supported by the University of Debrecen, to help Ukrainian refuges. The donations are at the disposal of five aid organizations to spend to provide for a support people who are in a difficult situation due to the war.

Students of the University of Debrecen have worked as volunteers at the border crossing at Biharkeresztes for over two months. So far they have facilitated aliens policing procedures through providing translation services for the police in about 600 cases.

A fund-raising peace concert initiated by the Count István Tisza Foundation for Debrecen took place at the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen Friday evening. A huge crowd filled the church to participate at the moving event that was organised for people affected by the war in Carpathian Ruthenia jointly by the Foundation that maintains the University of Debrecen, the historic Churches and the town.

The Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen has called on the leaders of the city and the heads of the historical churches to work together and use the strength of this togetherness to help the people in need due to the Ukrainian - Russian conflict. On May 6, a large-scale relief concert will be held together with fundraising.

The University of Debrecen has recently established a committee called Humanitárius Koordinációs Bizottság. Our institution has taken an active part in assisting refugees of the Ukrainian-Russian war from the very beginning but the prolongation of the conflict has ultimately made it necessary to draft a complex humanitarian plan for handling the situation.

The foundation Gróf Tisza István Debreceni Egyetemért Alapítvány [Count István Tisza Foundation for the University of Debrecen] and the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen jointly sent a significant amount of medical and healthcare aid on Monday to Ternopil National Medical University and to Ternopil City Municipal Hospital no. 2. The aid package is meant to assist and facilitate the neurosurgical treatment services provided in these institutions.

The University of Debrecen has made about 300 dormitory places available to students, teachers and others fleeing Carpathian Ruthenia. People asking for help have been arriving since Friday evening. In the meantime, the Student Council has launched a donation campaign.

Institute of History UD has recently received a prestigious series of books compiled and written on the history of the Catholic religious order named Deutscher Orden, also known as the Teutonic Order.

More than 1 million forints has been offered to the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology by International Students’ Union, part of the student government of the University of Debrecen. They have allocated part of the proceeds of last year’s International Food Day to buy two patient beds.

Medicor Kéziműszer Zrt. [Medicor Hand Instrument Ltd.] regularly offers free state-of-the-art medical instruments to aid the program of first-year students of medicine and dentistry at the University of Debrecen. This year, the students received as many as 646 practicing sets of hand instruments.

International students at the University of Debrecen have decided to support sick children through donating the full amount of HUF 1.5 million collected at the event called International Food Day.