Debrecen chemists on the cover

Glycomimetics that are easier to produce and can be more efficiently used have been produced by chemists of the UD. Their research into the synthetisation of the type of chemicals has been published on the cover of the prestigious New Journal of Chemistry.

Due to their enzyme-inhibiting effect biologically active carbohydrates play an important role in the cure of diabetes and certain neurodegenerative diseases.  However, recovery or production of these is not always simple, which is why researchers’ attention has turned towards glycomimetics, or compounds mimicing carbohydrates.

- These synthetically produced compounds eliminate the pharmaceutically adverse effects of natural carbohydrates: they are more stable, and are not broken down by enzymes before exerting their effect, says László Somsák, university professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen, leader of the research group.

To make the production of this type of glycomimetics more efficient, researchers at the University of Debrecen have applied a method that had proved effective in research into some other group of compounds: by using a photoractor to bring about the reaction, they created compounds mimicing carbohydrates.

-  The new method of synthesis makes it possible to produce glycomimetics of proper spatial arrangement in a simpler way than before. In the course of the process radicals are produced under the influence of photoenergy, setting off the process.  Production of radicals can also be triggered in thermasensitive materials, but this new method can be used with heat-resistant substances as well, when, by lowering the temperature, the desired derivatives can be achieved with even better yield and selectivity at the same time avoiding adverse side reactions, László Juhász, associate professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences, Univeristy of Debrecen pointed out.

Az új technológiáról szóló cikk első szerzője, József János, a DE TTK Szerves Kémiai Tanszék tudományos segédmunkatársa elmondta, hogy a folytatásban egy újabb vegyületcsaládnál, a β-mannozidok előállításánál tervezik alkalmazni ezt a technikát.

This research was carried out within the framework of projects GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00004 and GINOP-2.3.2.-15-2016-00008, with the support of the European Union, co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund, and the National Research, Development and Research Fund. The Innovation Office was implemented with the support of 109450 applications. 

The publication of the new method has appeared in the renowned international journal a  New Journal of Chemistry for new chemical directions. 

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