Hírek Humanities címkével

Giacomo Maria Oliva, Deputy Director of the museum Museo di Reggio Calabria in Italy, gave a talk in Italian on Wednesday at the University of Debrecen titled Bronzi di Riace. The topic he covered was the (hi)story of the ancient Greek bronze statues that had been discovered in the sea near the Calabrian city of Riace in 1972.

During his stay in Debrecen, Markku Virri, outgoing ambassador of Finland to Hungary visited the University of Debrecen, where he was welcomed by Róbert Keményfi, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Sándor Maticsák, head of the Department of Finno-Ugrik Linguistics on Friday.

This summer the University of Debrecen will host the annual course of the Eastern and Central European and Dutch Inter-University Cooperation (COMENIUS), which will be organised for the second time after 2007 by the Department of Dutch Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen.

Fifty two Hungarian and international historians presented their recent results in 16 sections at an international conference organised jointly by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Humanities of the U of Debrecen, the Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge – Université de Lorraine Nancy-Metz (France), and the Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), between 22–24 June.

An English-language series of publications has been launched jointly by IEAS (Institute of English and American Studies) of the Faculty of Humanities at UD and DUPress (Debrecen University Press). The book launch of the first item in the series called HJEAS Books, Donald E. Morse’s It’s Time: What Living in Time Is Like, was held on Tuesday in DEENK (Debrecen Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtár [University and National Library of UD]).

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen released the first Chinese students who completed the Hungarian-language BA course in Hungarian language and literature at the speech day event held in the Main Building of UD on Friday. The 12 Chinese graduates started their studies in Debrecen three years ago within the framework of an international educational programme.

The entries that had made it to the final of the students’ competition on the subject of the psychological aspects of human-robot interactions were exhibited and awarded at the Department of Psychology of the University of Debrecen on Thursday. The programme was also a contribution of the Faculty of Humanities to the university’s Neurotech project.

Three years ago, 12 Chinese students started their BA studies at the University of Debrecen in the framework of an international educational cooperation. Majoring in Hungarian at the Faculty of Humanities, they are now working on their theses and will graduate soon.

The Faculty of Humanities of the UD has also been a participant in the NeurotechEU program initiated jointly by eight universities in Europe. Scholars from the faculty conducting research in English language and culture will present the results of their academic efforts at a conference.

On April 22, an conference was organised by the Institute of Germanic Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the UD and the German Cultural Forum in Debrecen. The online event focused on the challenges posed by the pandemic that translators and teachers involved in translation training have faced.

Institute of History UD has recently received a prestigious series of books compiled and written on the history of the Catholic religious order named Deutscher Orden, also known as the Teutonic Order.

The Institute of English and American Studies of the UD and Indiana University, USA, will launch a joint Hungarian-American virtual language learning program and linguistic research seminar in the spring. The program involves 37 first-year, undergraduate, teaching major and master students.

On the occasion of the centenary, a new volume of studies on Trianon has been published by the Institute of History, of the Faculty of Arts, UD. In addition to experts of UD, the Institute’s foreign partners also contributed to the volume.

In cooperation with leading universities from seven countries, the University of Debrecen has established a consortium for the development of neuroscience. The opening ceremony of NeurotechEU will be held on Wednesday with about a thousand participants.

The Social Sciences programmes of the University of Debrecen are among the best in the world. On the latest disciplinary ranking of Times Higher Education the University of Debrecen was ranked within the category of 301-400th places.

The University of Debrecen and the Hungarian Research Institute have embarked on research in the fields of ethnography, history, archeogenetics, and religion history. The cooperation agreement was signed by rector Zoltán Szilvássy and the director general.

The English-American Institute of the University of Debrecen hosted the 2019 Conference of the Hungarian Society of Americanists from May 31 to June 1. The event was attended by a large delegation from the United States of America, along with some 100 Hungarian Americanists.

It is planned that Hungarian language training can be started at the Taganrog Pedagogical College in Russia, where a common methodological platform will be developed for teaching Russian as a foreign language. The delegation of the Faculty of Humanities of the UD visited the hometown of Chekhov.

The University of Debrecen hosts the 11th English-language Theatre Conference jointly organised by the University, the Local Government of the City of Debrecen, and Csokonai Theatre between May 16 and 18 with the attendance of Hungarian and foreign theatre groups.

The Faculty of Humanities of the UD and Nicolaus Copernicus University, the university of the Polish city Toruń, have signed an agreement on cooperation. The mutual cooperation agreement was signed by the respective deans of the two institutions in the Karácsony Sándor Room of UD on Thursday.

At the invitation of the Faculty of Humanities the British Embassador to Hungary, Mr. Iain Lindsay gave a lecture at DU „What's Next? British-Hungarian Relations and the UK'S Relationship with Europe after the UK'S Departure from the EU”.

The ten contestants who qualified into the finals gave their presentations on Wednesday at the German language competition jointly organized for secondary school students by the city, the University of Debrecen and IT Services Hungary.

Chinese students will soon start their studies in the Hungarian language at the Faculty of Humanities of UD. The management of the faculty and the delegation of the Beijing International Studies University (BISU) discussed the expansion of their already existing cooperation on Tuesday.

A closer cooperation between the Faculty of Humanities of UD and the Polish Institute in Budapest is expected to open new horizons in the relationship between Hungary and Poland in the areas of culture, education and science.

In the framework of their 2-week visit in Hungary, 18 students studying Hungarian language at the Josai International University (JIU) came to UD, where they met Hungarian students studying Japanese.