Hírek Health industry címkével

The University of Debrecen has become a prime site of one of the world’s largest companies engaged in coordinating clinical trials on drug development. With the four-year contract signed on Tuesday, the institute has become of the most important clinical study sites of QuintilesIMS.

Researchers of the University of Debrecen have made a major breakthrough in the observation of living cells. In fact, they have constructed a unique video-microscope system the use of which opens up new vistas in cancer research and pharmacology.

The “secret of youth” is the chief focus of research at the one and only Department of Gerontology in the nation through a laboratory equipped with the most modern nanostring technology.

Yossi Amrani wishes to contribute to better cooperation between the University of Debrecen and research institutes and higher education institutions in Israel. The ambassador would also like to involve into the joint programmes the Israeli students studying in Debrecen.

Health industry startups and SMEs could present and introduce themselves at what is called SmartHealth Meetup, hosted by University of Debrecen Technology and Knowledge Transfer Center on November 16 at Nagyerdei Víztorony during the course of Startup Week.

Fabbri 1905 S.pA., a long-established Italian sweets manufacturer, plans to use the research of the University of Debrecen in the fields of health and food industry.

Scientists from Iran and Hungary may jointly research the way to modernise traditional Asian medicine. This was one of the topics on which leaders of the University of Debrecen and Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran negotiated last Friday.

The Sports Diagnostics, Lifestyle, and Therapy Center of the University of Debrecen has been inaugurated in Nagyerdei Stadion.