MEFOB Feszt in Debrecen

The city of Debrecen will be hosting the most important Hungarian university multi-sport event of this year between April 28 and May 1. In the framework of an unforgettable festivity, more than 600 athletes are expected to compete for victory in the finals of Hungarian University-College National Championship.

This outstanding event will be hosted and organized jointly by the Hungarian University-College Sports Association (Magyar Egyetemi-Főiskolai Sportszövetség - MEFS), the University of Debrecen, the city of Debrecen and DEAC. The event, which will start in just over two weeks, will feature the finals of as many as eight branches of sports.

“We are very much pleased to be able to host such a significant multi-sport event, as it offers an excellent opportunity to promote university sports and increase its professional value. At present, we are expecting more than 600 students to come to our city to fight for the title of champion of their branch of sport at a festival accompanied by colorful series of events and academic conferences,” said László Balogh, the Director of the Sports Science Coordination Institute of the University of Debrecen.

MEFOB Feszt (short for “festival” in Hungarian) will host the finals of futsal, basketball, chess, Frisbee, cheerleaders, water polo, tennis and athletics competitions. Since all of these finals will be hosted in the recreation area of Debrecen called Nagyerdő (Big Forest) in close proximity to one another, both the spectators and the competitors will be able to just walk from each one of the venues to the next one. The locations will include the buildings of DESOK (gym and fitness center of UD), Oláh Gábor utcai Sportcsarnok (the sports hall on the street named after Gábor Oláh), Debrecen Sports Swimming Pool and DEAC Sports Campus. In addition to academic lectures and presentation, there will also be a series of concerts by popular Hungarian performers accompanying the four-day sporting event in Nagyerdei Víztorony (Big Forest Water Tower).

“MEFOB Feszt will be an excellent opportunity for us as a test event both in terms of complexity and size for the 3×3 European Basketball University Championship to be held in the summer, which will take place in front of the main building of the university, as well as next year's European University Games in Debrecen and Miskolc,” added László Balogh.

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