Novelties in neurology

The latest methods in the diagnosis and therapy of multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease were discussed by Hungarian and foreign neurologists in Debrecen last week. At the conference the worl-class stroke care at the Neurology Clinic of the University of Debrecen was discussed, too.

-The past couple of years have seen an explosive  development in the field of imaging diagnostics , today we catch the brain in action, and know which area of the brain becomes activated during thinking, counting or experiencing emotions. Theraphy has come a long way, too, in stroke, for instance, thrombolysis or the removal of a clot with a corkscrew-like device in acute stroke, László Csiba, Professor of the University of Debrecen, Chairperson of the Hungarian Society of Neurology told

László Csiba added: intravenous thrombolysis is world-class at the Neurology Clinic of the University of Debrecen.  a Debreceni Egyetem Neurológiai Klinikáján világszínvonalú az intravénás vérrögoldás. This treatment is used successfully in 23-24% of 8-900 patients per annum , saving patients’ lives and significantly reducing the number of disabled people. To recognise the  world-class work carried out at our clinic, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson  of the World Stroke Organisation paid us a visit.

The professor stressed, ”for succesful treatment it is vital that the patient should be taken to the appropriate centre in time. The chances of recovery are greater if no more than four hours and a half pass between the first sign of stroke and administration of the thrombolytic injection.

- Everybody must know that if one side of the face droops or is numb, speech is slurred, there is no waiting, an ambulance must be called immediately. Even today we sometimes find that some poeple wait for days before getting the sick person to the doctor. This is very sad, this needs to change, László Csiba emphasised.

Besides stroke the other major topics of the joint conference of the Hungarian Society of Neurology and Duna Symposium held in Debrecen on June 7 -10 were multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy. The Hungarian and foreign specialists reviewed the novelties that have appeared over the past years in the respective fields.

Participants of the scientific meeting were welcomed by József Tőzsér, Vice-Rector for Health innovation and training  and, on behalf of the city, by Csaba Papp, councillor.   

The four-day conference was attended by Hungarian specialists as well as neurologists from  Germany, Austria, Italy, Israel, and Romania.

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