Volunteering is the best thing since sliced bread

Our Sports Science Coordination Institute is in the process of recruiting volunteers to help in hosting top-priority sports events to be held at the University of Debrecen. Young people planning to enroll in our institution in 2024 can earn extra points for this kind of activity. An information package about the relevant details was presented in the recently inaugurated Learning Center.

There are four upcoming large-scale international events to be hosted by our university, during which the organizers count on the work and assistance of hundreds of volunteers. The list includes MEFOB Fesztivál between April 28 and May 1, 2023; World Flying Disc Federation University Trophy 2023 between July 4 and 8; 3x3 Kosárlabda Egyetemi Európabajnokság [European Universities Championship in 3x3 Basketball] between July 16 and 19, 2023; and Európai Egyetemi Játékok (EEJ) [officially called European Universities Games (EUG)] between July 10 and 25, 2024.

Az eseményekről Varga Katalin, a DE Katalin Varga, a representative of UD’s Sports Science Coordination Institute, delivered an introductory presentation about these future events at an informal meeting held in the Learning Center, which was dubbed Önkénteskedni jó [verbatim: It is good to work as a volunteer]. Here, the Hungarian volunteers of this year’s European Universities Games also had a chance to share an account of their personal experiences.

The gist of the information announced at the informal meeting is that the organizers would primarily welcome applications from university and high school students to participate in this kind of work. It is expected that they should speak English (or, perhaps, several other languages) and that they should be fond of sports, social activities and colorful international “cavalcades.”

Applicants would then take part in a preparatory training session before the events take place in order to get to know the details of the task that awaits them. In exchange for their work, they would also earn extra points in the 2024 higher education admission procedure.

If you are interested, send your application to volunteer@sport.unideb.hu.

Press Office - TB