Hírek Music címkével

Almost 200 young artists will be able to learn about the secrets of instrumental music by taking the master courses held by world-famous artist-teachers between July 14 and 23 at Ifjú Zeneművészek Nemzetközi Nyári Akadémiája [Young Musicians’ Summer Academy].

Attila Miyuji Kaneko is to give a concert at the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen on the last occasion of the series called Conservatory Nights this year, scheduled for Sunday, May 7. The event marks the return of the Japanese-Hungarian pianist to Debrecen after a twenty-year absence.

Young musicians will be coming to the Faculty of Music this coming weekend from all over Hungary and even from abroad. Between April 8th and 10th, it is going to be the 40th occasion already that the Brass Winds and Percussion Meeting and Contest will be held here.