A New Type of Academic-Industrial Innovation

The University of Debrecen intends to be the first in Europe to introduce DEMOLA, the Finnish business incubation model, in the field of agriculture.

Students, faculty members and the specialists of the companies concerned work together to develop solutions in answer to actual problems faced by businesses, as raised by the market – this is the essence of DEMOLA, the incubation platform of Finland, one of the major global players in the area of innovation.

“In the projects students studying in a variety of disciplines generally cooperate with faculty members and researchers, as well as specialists of the industrial and business sector. The companies have access to new ideas and solutions, while the students develop innovative products, services and business models, while their problem solving capabilities are also developed, and they acquire entrepreneurial experiences as well. These collaborations often establish later working relationships between the students and the companies, and also create the possibility for the launching of start-ups,” said László Korányi, general manager of Technopolitan Plc., at the workshop held for the members of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, on 5 September.

The training of young faculty members and researchers is the first step at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management in preparation for the introduction of the model.

“The University of Debrecen will be the first institution in Europe to introduce the DEMOLA system in the fields of agricultural and food sciences. We offer a new opportunity to businesses in the region for innovation building on the university’s knowledge base, for which the comprehensive professional background is guaranteed by our staff of researchers, as well as the Food Technology Training Laboratory recently opened at our faculty, the Laboratory of Fish Biology, the Demonstration Garden, and the Agricultural Research Institutes and Experimental Farms.

The Finnish innovation model is already used at 37 universities of 11 European countries, including the University of Maribor, the Baltic Institute of Finland, and Campus Iberius. The only other place where it has been introduced is the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in the field of engineering.  According to the plans, it will be launched at he University of Debrecen in February of next year.

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