Pulling Together for the Cause of Developing Applied Sciences

Vice-Rector Elek Bartha has signed an agreement in the city of Hamburg about the University of Debrecen becoming a full member of the consortium called CARPE. The objective of this cooperation is to facilitate the joint participation and collaboration of partners in projects supported by the EU.

“The University of Debrecen joined CARPE (Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education) as an associate member in 2015. This consortium was established by five universities, whose profiles feature the development of applied research. Although they are not located in capital cities (Hamburg, Utrecht, Valencia, Turku, and Manchester), they are ranked among the most significant institutions of higher education in their individual countries concerning their size and prestige,” said Zsolt Varga, Head of Debreceni Egyetem Tudományos Igazgatósága [Scientific Directorate of the University of Debrecen].

The consortium holds a conference every two years, where the central topic of discussions is the arrangement of joint project proposals and their coordination. This year’s conference was hosted in Hamburg between November 15th and 17th.

The excellent cooperation of the past two years was acknowledged by the fact that, as a result of the decision of the full members of the consortium, the University of Debrecen is now also admitted to full membership. The relevant resolution was first approved and passed by the Senate of UD at its session held on November 8th, following which Vice-Rector for Education Elek Bartha duly signed the agreement on November 16th in Hamburg.

“This agreement is a major milestone in our cooperation, as it opens up new vistas for several of the faculties of our university in the fields of applied research,” said Elek Bartha to unideb.hu. The Vice-Rector for Education underlined that there could be joint academic programs launched in the near future in the fields of technical, medical, social, economic, and natural sciences, as well as in information and computer technology.

There were as many as five faculties (Humanities, Economics and Business, Informatics, Technology, and Science and Technology) and ten academic researchers participating in the latest conference of the consortium, representing the University of Debrecen.

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