A special further training session for secondary school teachers of German at the Faculty of Humanities

Teachers of German from top-priority German language training institutions of Debrecen’s Vocational Training Center (Debreceni Szakképzési Centrum - DSZC) came to a special further training session hosted by the University of Debrecen (UD) on Thursday. The event also included a workshop for language teachers on corporate communication, organized by the companies British Telecommunications, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, Schaeffler Debrecen and Transcosmos Hungary.

The aim of this unique training session was to strengthen the professional bond between the corporate institutions of the local economy and the teachers of German in order to encourage and promote their cooperation and to prepare students for future employment possibilities even more successfully.

This “vocational” day was organized by Deutsches Kulturforum Debrecen [Debrecen’s German Cultural Forum] and hosted by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen, while Goethe-Institut Budapest acted as the chief professional partner of the event.

“Our Cultural Forum aims to provide a background and a common platform for the local German companies, the municipal administration and the educational institutions in Debrecen to come together through the medium of the German language and culture,” said Andrea Horváth, President of Debrecen’s German Cultural Forum.

The Director of the Institute of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities (BTK) of UD highlighted that this event serves both as a confirmation and a feedback for the teachers of German at Debrecen’s Vocational Training Centre (DSZC), confirming that this language is in great demand both in our city and the immediate region around it.

The event was attended by as many as 17 teachers of the German language from high schools of DSZC such as Brassai Sámuel Műszaki Technikum, Bethlen Gábor Közgazdasági Technikum és Kollégium, Vegyipari Technikum and Mechwart András Gépipari és Informatikai Szakközépiskola.

Péter Csatár, Deputy Dean for Strategy and Economy of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Debrecen, announced at the event that, as of September 2024, the Institute of German Studies would launch a Master's Program in Corporate Intercultural Management, which is meant to prepare future graduates with German language skills for the challenges of industry, taught in cooperation with the relevant companies.

“The institute will also establish a special didactic center to support colleagues already working as German teachers, forming a bridge between corporate entities, teachers and students,” said the deputy dean.

The teachers present were able to inquire from company representatives about the jobs that young people can expect to find at various companies after graduating from their technical schools, as well as about the level and kinds of language skills required most to land them.

The scheduled program of the day ended with two interactive workshops: the Goethe Institute in Budapest and the Institute of German Studies of UD presented innovative and playful ways for language teachers to instruct their students about the language forms and patterns of behavior that are typical of German corporate culture in an authentic and experiential way.

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